08169222741  •  

3 Functional Plastic Factories With Geepee Molds

Factory for sale

Asaba, Delta


Property Ref: 1661257Added On: 15 Mar 2023Last Updated: 23 Dec 2024
Market Status: AvailableType: Factory   


*3 Functional Plastic Factories with Geepee molds in all d locations.*
Factories locations:
*KANO, ASABA AND OGUN State respectively*

The 3 locations has over 3000 products in production and has over 197 working expatriates in all d locations.

Titles: Certificate of Occupancy

Asking Price:$400m

These are very much available and closable, the three (3) are to be sold together, an individual can buy them or 3 individual can come together to buy them, however, there is one buyer on the ground already, they are awaiting two others.

The lawyer in charge sales,d buyer must be able to fulfill the following condition for inspection to take place

1. LOI

2.POF Proof of Funds

3.Facilitators letter stating that d buyer will pay d facilitators agreed professional fees
closable deal


0816 XXXX Show Phone



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About Asaba, Delta